Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Rumors and Non-Rumors


A top-level Ultimate Frisbee coach has moved into town and is now working with the local UF clubs. Mike O'Dowd, in addition to being a serious disc golfer, has played on/coached Ultimate teams up to Nationals and World Championships. Best bring your A-game to the course; he's a lock for the UF Hall of Fame.


According to the Humboldt Herald, it seems that Wal-Mart may be hiring in Eureka. While that's plenty strange, Heraldo had someone suggest that Wal-Mart may have "bought property in the Cooper Gulch Area."

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Manila Haze

A nice day on the peninsula...

Overheard at the gulch:

"My Mom made chili dogs!"

"Yo. I don't care how tall you is. If I find you with my disc, I'm gonna step up an' shit."

"It's against the rules to talk about yummy food at hole 4."

Da Gulch

Folks have been witnessed flashing this gang sign around the course.

Sources confirm that "g" is for Gulch.

Who are they? What do they want? Are the dangerous? 

Yep it is.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

That Will Definitely Leave a Mark

Yesterday at Manila, a group of 3 was playing the unofficial hole # 10 (from the tee box for hole 2, back to the first basket). Two of them had thrown and were putting in. The third guy for some reason lagged behind and let one fly, just as one of his friends emerged from the trees near the basket.

The throw was straight and true, and time seemed to move slowly, as it does when a throw has a chance of hitting chains. However, this disc was not destined for the basket, but was on a direct line for golfer #1's forehead. The thrower watched it, mouth agape as if in disbelief. He was struck dumb by the majesty of his drive and forgot to yell, "FORE!", or "HEADS UP, BUDDY!"

After sailing over Golfer #2's head it connected solidly with the center of Golfer #1's forehead. He dropped to the ground to take inventory of his pain, and wiped off some blood with his golf rag. (Don't fear the bacteria, dude.) There was indeed a gash there, but "nothing a little tequila won't cure", as they commented.

Be careful out there folks. Remember: Calling FORE! will absolve you of most of the responsibility of whatever happens afterward.

-Cooper Discourse


Strange Weeds

Strange weeds in the ground near hole 7.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Six Under

Overheard at Cooper yesterday

The Natural: I threw at Redwood yesterday.
Pizza Man: Oh, Yeah? How'd you do?
The Natural: Six under for 18.
Everyone: Damn.
Rockhouse: The only time I'll hit six under is when I'm dead.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

These are robust, large bones...

Another grisly discovery at the gulch...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Squish, squish.

Enjoy that sweet Gulch mud.