According to this, you ought to aim better, especially in Manila. Sounds like they had a little disscussion about the effects of the course a few weeks back. It's also a good reminder to "fore" prior to every drive.
Board of Directors Meeting
APPROVED Minutes of Special Meeting
Thursday October 1, 2009
Community Center, 1611 Peninsula Dr., 6:30 p.m.
Key: Moved/seconded
It is planned to record this meeting so that it is accessible by the public.
Meeting was called to order by President Dan Ihara at 6:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Present: Shelley Lima, Dan Ihara, Charles McDaniels, Michael Fennell, Joy Dellas
Quorum present
CONSENT CALENDAR: (Items may be pulled for future consideration) – Amendments or
corrections should be received in writing prior to approval.
The public is invited to present petitions, make announcement or provide other information to the
Board that is relevant to the scope of authority of Manila CSD. The Board may uniformly impose
a time limit of 3 minutes to individual presentations to assure every subject is heard. By public
law, the Board cannot take action on items not on the agenda.
Director Ihara opened Public Input and hearing none, closed Public Input.
SPECIAL BUSINESS (explanation of process): Have a copy of complaint , but person is
not here , we will present as best we can – read Item 1 aloud
1. Receive for discussion and possible action: Manila Park and RV Camping
a. (Time Specific 6:35 pm) Complaint regarding Manila Park Frisbee Golf.
i. Summary of complaint: viewing of photos of trees (by complaint
Director Ihara directed GM Drop to introduce the complaint and asked Director Lima to read the
complaint aloud.
GM Drop – this formal complaint was received at the last BOD meeting.
ii. General Manager’s Report regarding Manila Park Frisbee Golf
Complaints, including but not limited to damage to trees.
GM Drop – the district can create ordinances but do not have police powers; we would need to
call the sheriff to enforce them. He introduced Drew Redden, President, Par Infinity to discuss
the tree damage.
Redden - he spoke with a biologist, who is a member in the club: there is damage to the trees.
Myrtlewood, the trees damaged, is a pretty hardy tree – in view of biologists, if Myrtlewood is not
completely girdled they should not be in danger of disease. Now trees are more exposed due to
blackberry removal; which he added was good for the park. Ways to mitigate the damage:
possibly redesign the course, being careful to avoid tree damage, planting more Myrtles, identify
the trees and protect them using netting and posts, as in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco
(some vandalism of protection has occurred there), or even posts in front of the trees without
netting can work. Barriers could be cushions, rubber or otherwise around trees, or slats of wood
wired around trunk of tree. The posts can be on the tree or just away from the tree. There could
be a concern that the protection would take away from the beauty of the park. Even without
APPROVED Minutes of Special Meeting October 1, 2009
Board of Directors Meeting
APPROVED Minutes of Special Meeting
Thursday October 1, 2009
Community Center, 1611 Peninsula Dr., 6:30 p.m.
mitigation, the trees could survive. The biologist he spoke with regarding the damage to
Myrtlewoods was Jim McIntosh, of Cal Trans, who consulted with colleagues and HSU biologists.
Discussion by Board of concerns and issues.
Director McDaniels – asked if people with disc club would take on the cost of protecting trees and
planting trees, as disc players will move on, but the people of the community will always be here
Redden – that could be a possible use for donation of $90 collected in the park donations box the
past two months; he is allowed to speak for club for any non-binding mitigation – in a non-binding
way he suggested the club could help with any work this park needs. He is more than 100%
positive the club will be helping to work on that; invited BOD or GM to help with the process of
determining what is needed.
Director Lima – would your group be willing to participate in a fund raiser out at the park?
Redden – thinks that would require Par Infinity BOD approval - he feels it would be a good idea.
Director Ihara – recognized some public members to ask questions of Redden.
Linda Lee – how many trees are damaged, about 7 or 8? Prefers redirection of course, and
thinks Manila’s gardening club would like to participate: dune fencing could work, and is willing to
Redden – Par Infinity has a track record of helping out a disc golf parks.
Robert Rose – aren’t some willow trees damaged also? What is the impact on willow trees;
probably can’t kill them.
Redden – not sure; agrees willows are hardy - somehow avoiding the impact of the disc into the
bark could be the answer.
Rose – what is the cost? He hasn’t seen the damage himself, and could we open the concession
stand to sell pop to make money for this?
Director Lima – first met Drew during the women’s disc event, Goddess Games, and she
approached to see what would be the effect to open the stand - probably only be a few hours and
wouldn’t profit a lot. The group already had bagels, etc. for participants to eat for free. It would
take a lot of manpower and volunteer hours to do that.
GM Drop – years ago when disc golf course was first installed, it was scheduled to close in winter
and pull baskets. Personally it is popular and he would like to leave it open. There is some dune
fencing left to use.
Redden – was proposed to close during winter when waterlogged, but hasn’t been an issue the
past few years.
Sven Kahle – was at the original meeting for disc golf: there was supposed to be a 1 year review
with an adaptive management style. The Par Infinity group promised to be pretty much
responsible for impacts, but that has been minimal because it hasn’t been asked for due to lack of
a review process. He is very aware of the park condition as a neighbor of the park.
Lee – was there today – it looks beautiful, feels safer to walk in park now.
Sven Kahle – review process needs to be addressed: areas of trampling, desertification, climbing
of trees - need to be honest with what is happening, and it needs to be put down on paper what
needs to be done.
GM Drop – supports disc golf; when mankind builds things there is an impact. He would like to
see discussion about how to minimize that impact.
Director Fennell – are the trees part of the obstacle course?
Redden – short answer, yes; more of a land usage issue: when setting up the course, there was
a limited amount of space while deferring to rugby; basically it was limited to the perimeter
of the park.
APPROVED Minutes of Special Meeting October 1, 2009
Director Fennell – seems easy for people to be hit - is it common for walkers to watch out or be
Redden – it is common to have a multi-use park; it is somewhat unavoidable for walkers to
encounter disc golfers, but the track record for injuries is good. Cooper Gulch, for example, has
had a very low incidence of injuries.
Director Fennell – any other solutions that may not be out there? Is visualizing solutions for those
of us who want to view the beauty of it – would rather see trees be damaged and survive rather
than an artificial solution. Also doesn’t want to settle on some ugly wrapping.
Director McDaniels – thinks we should have a biologist come in once a year or every other year.
Redden – apologized that the biologist could not be at the meeting.
Director Lima – it is beyond the scope of duties for the park caretaker to enforce the ordinance;
wish people would understand she is not a policeman. Encouraged those affected by behavior to
call the Sheriff.
Director Dellas – walked around today and did see some garbage - it may have been left by
rugby players, but doesn’t see them being mentioned. Thinks the park looks good. Land use
issues are a struggle – there are all different ideas of what parks are for. She is in favor of disc
golf. Would like a show of hands of those against disc golf course attending the meeting.
Sven Kahle – in favor of a process where people do what they say, i.e., hold the reviews and act
upon them.
Director Ihara – this is a case of good use of the park - interested in having a review, annual or
semi-annual, and having a biologist in. Concerned about urination in the park. Would like to
have public testimony on that issue. In favor of Ad Hoc committee that would manage the park
and keep tabs on it.
iv. Public testimony.
Director Ihara – opened public testimony on this item.
Jonda Fike – been community member for many years – where is the complainant – why can’t we
address him?
Director Ihara – he was unable to make meeting, not his fault, due to BOD scheduling meeting
when he is out of town.
Kristin Dunlap – goes to parents group – starting disk golfing about 2 years ago, likes to go to
Manila since it’s not hilly or dangerous. Coopers Gulch is sketchy due to the homeless
congregating there. Noticing lots of families at the park, maybe put a restroom stall over by the
bay - hasn’t seen any public urination.
Rose – walks park once or twice a day; never been hit with a disc, in fact people throwing will wait until he walks by, just about every one is very polite, it’s a good game.
Amber – has lived directly in front of the park for ten years, is in park three times a day minimum.
Finds disc golfers are friendly, rugby players also cause desertification, keeps bad element out to
have disc golfers present, never has seen urination in public.
Maggie Fox, park caretaker – had a problem with fencing being knocked down by people climbing
over it, so she contacted Par Infinity and they repaired it and installed gates - took care of the
problem. She has personally only seen 1 case of urination, hasn’t seen any trees falling down or
dying from gouges.
Lee – park is getting a lot of use, players were very courteous, do golfers say “fore” before
Redden – yes
Lee – surprised to see the BOD having a special meeting at all about something like this it is
costing the ratepayers money.
APPROVED Minutes of Special Meeting October 1, 2009
Board of Directors Meeting
APPROVED Minutes of Special Meeting
Thursday October 1, 2009
Community Center, 1611 Peninsula Dr., 6:30 p.m.
Director Ihara – normally the process is that there is a complaint brought to the GM after verbally
talking with the GM about a problem. This complainant, Clyde, went directly to the BOD which
was circumventing the process somewhat.
Lee – do we have to call a special meeting to handle complaints?
Director Ihara - we had promised a town or special meeting for this topic last year.
Lee – likes how notification of the meeting was put on the bill, but thinks it may have not been
advertised very well otherwise.
Redden – thanks to Maggie for explaining some history of the club’s help; great to have
neighbors who care. He works with at-risk youth and brings them to enjoy the park regularly,
because it is a flat park it is good for younger players; wouldn’t try to bring these youth to a place where there is drinking, drugs, and public urination
Amber – has lived for 12 years right across from the park - in past few years has felt safe enough to enter park with children. Would rather deal with public urination than people passed out,
possibly dead, in the back of the park near the bay, or see potato chip bag than the IV needles
she has previously seen. Is it possible to put out signs in the back of the park to direct people to
the restrooms? Shouldn’t put this on the caretaker as she has much to do.
Ann Marie – lives right by park for six years, and says good morning to park users. It is so
delightful to see disc golfers, feels safer there for the first time. Maybe more trash cans, sign to
use restrooms. Is from Europe where people do like to urinate in the open, used to see that as
children and didn’t pervert her.
Tom Jones – first one in park every single morning for the last three years, picks up all the paper,
it’s all good.
John Sarico – this park is in Clyde’s backyard; he has nothing against Frisbee golf. Should
approach him with your concerns – he is known as Oak. He wanted to show the gouges in trees
and explain how insects enter. He’s out falling trees.
Lee – maybe not unreasonable to consider two bathrooms for an eleven-acre park, maybe we
could share the cost of this with disc golfers.
Amber – would rather have netting than to revert back to park before disc golf.
Arlis Fike – has lived here 47 years, never really went to the park much before disc golf, now
plans to retire and travel the country to play disc golf – it is a passion. There are people from
PDGA who plant trees; if trees are destroyed new ones can be planted. Has personally taken
two trash cans to the park from his house. More people are getting interested in the park – has a
new playground.
Ann Marie – increase in disc golf is happening, monitoring would solve problem of complaints,
has seen soil moved around trees – move course as necessary.
Redden – at Cooper’s Gulch there hasn’t been much done, due to trees not dying – there are
eight courses in this vicinity with more trees than our park – it does scar the trees.
Sarico – in Huntington Beach they used a white paint to seal dings so bugs can’t get in.
Director Ihara – invited more public testimony on this item and hearing none closed public
v. Discussion and possible action by Board.
Director Ihara – discussion based on prior concerns brought up by BOD.
Director Lima – recommended engagement with Par Infinity to develop an annual review process
with input of biologist, appreciates their willingness to step up and mitigate.
Director McDaniels – like to see an annual biologist review, extra portable potty at far end of park
– maybe a concrete tank to be pumped and a concrete building – someone may knock over
plastic one. Put out more trash cans.
APPROVED Minutes of Special Meeting October 1, 2009
Board of Directors Meeting
APPROVED Minutes of Special Meeting
Thursday October 1, 2009
Community Center, 1611 Peninsula Dr., 6:30 p.m.
Director Fennell – would Par Infinity be willing to put in trash cans and take care of removal of
trash? Every little bit we can relieve our district of the cost would help. Like a certified arborist to
give an opinion on the trees which may result in action taken. Instead of bathrooms, put a fence
people could go behind the fence by the bay.
Director Lima – agreed with Michael about the practicality of having porta potties, if there was an
event, tournament, rugby game – district should implement this requirement for those wishing to
hold dates for tournaments. Would like to see an annual fundraiser, possibly incorporated into
the Labor Day picnic or other event. In favor of doing fundraising in cooperation with Par Infinity
and community.
Director Dellas – who is going to pay for a biologist, arborist? Maybe someone from HSU might
be willing to do a project – toilet is too much money. Too much to ask Par infinity to take out
trash – looks as if they are a park patrol in a way for free. Perhaps a “take it with you” policy –
didn’t see too much garbage there today. Would like to see the Issue of managing the park and
community center a combined effort – would prefer an overall approach to managing them.
Caretaker could list any issues about the environment in their weekly report
Director Ihara – in favor of having review in the spring after the winter season to see if trees have
rejuvenated, as well as a year from now to see how things are going on. GM – should be aware
of the state of the park and frisbee golf, could be sign that directs use of restrooms and trash
cans. Like to see a way for public to give input to Maggie – she could report to GM on monthly
Director Ihara/McDaniels – moved that BOD would resolve to have a review of the trees in
the spring, approx 6 months from now. The GM will add care of trees and frisbee golf as
one of his responsibilities. Procedures be made to address the urination problem and
other issues such as trash cans. Thank frisbee golfers and we will work with them to
fundraise. GM will write a letter to thank Clyde Holcomb, and letter to Par Infinity
regarding fundraising.
Director McDaniels – (friendly amendment) require a porta potty for large events
Director Fennell – disagrees with letter to complainant, that urination is not necessary to include
Director Lima – agrees that urination should not be included in motion
Director Dellas – thinking a simpler motion would work, i.e. Dellas – amended motion to be
replaced with: Annual walk through and review of disc golf course by GM and par infinity
representative to assess environmental and any other related issues.
Amendment VOTE – Motion Passed Unanimously
Director Ihara/McDaniels moved to implement an annual walk through and review of disc
golf course by GM and Par Infinity representative to assess environmental and any
other related issues.
Motion VOTE - Motion Passed Unanimously
Saturday, October 24, 2009
This Is How They Spent Their Saturday Morning
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Working on Saturday?

Councilman Jeff Leonard scheduled some sort of walk-through last month, and Rotary kicked down about 20G to help finish construction.
Then again, it seems like just yesteryearsago that they started digging into what was a perfectly fine fairway.
How will skaters affect the park? Will they keep it clean? Will they respect Mistwood Preschool's dropoff zone? Will they smoke weed in the lot and let their crazy pitbull run around off leash? (OK, so that was a golfer.) Maybe the skaters will raise the standard of civilized behavior.
Either way, EPD have little reason to come by, so let's keep it that way.
Keep it sportsmanlike, and always respect the park.
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