Monday, May 14, 2007

The Recyclers

It's not uncommon to see people sifting through the trash cans at the Coop pulling out recyclables. More power to you folks, I say. Get a few bucks to make it through, and help out our wonderful world at the same time. I talked to one guy who comes through frequently in the evenings with his wife. They are the older than average Cooper couple who seem to be enjoying the job and wearing surgical gloves.

They are always very courteous about disturbing golfers on the tee. I once asked (assuming the guy was homeless or broke) how much he makes recycling. He told me that he has a day job and it isn't about the money. They just like to get out for a walk and help clean up.

Remember: When you assume, you make an asshole out of you and me. Or something like that.

One more thing: Folks, please use the trash cans!!! Don't litter the Gulch and give golfers a bad name. Better yet, pick up one piece of litter each time you smoke a bowl. Soon the place will be pristine. Let it be so.

Peace. -the pizza guy

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